9 Frodo Victory was outstanding in the last run after finding the lead on the first far stretch. Can be a bit fiery but has probably the best capacity in this field. Quite tricky number. 5 Chanel Simoni has not convinced the last two starts and the form is a question mark. Is gifted and has good skills but the chances are not easy to predict. 6 Checkpoint S H has galloped a lot lately and resumes from a spell now. Is good for this class but gets often tough journeys. Early choice without a mistake. 3 Bjarne B P has not impressed and does not race a lot. Is gifted though. New driver.
4 El Capitan was outstanding in the lead in the last run and has very good capacity. Without a mistake he should have a good chance to lead this throughout. Is not reliable but could be a banker. 2 Gnags looked nice in the seasonal debut and had plenty of energy left. Is talented and will be interesting to follow this season. Could get a nice journey again. 5 Corona Bork is getting better and better. Likes to be driven by Mönster and can open fast. Place chance. 7 Katrionalemayrocks got a poor number again but has done alright in two starts in Denmark. Place chance as well.
6 Marabou Brodda got a nice journey in the comeback after a long pause. Looked nice and has one run under his belt now. Should be ready for a good effort. Very interesting. 5 Hanzi Cash won comfortably in the lead in the last run but was a bit fiery. Seems to have good capacity for this class. Challenger. 2 Dollar Coins has done well and shown good form. Has become more reliable and is well drawn now. In the mix. 4 Gladiator galloped directly in the last run and never had a chance. Is nice and has good skills. Should not be discounted.
10 Ginai did well in the lead in the last run after an 11/500-opening. Was allowed to dictate the pace and won comfortably at the end. Has good speed. Interesting number in the second line now. 2 Gin Lady has galloped directly in the last two starts. Is fast and scored a good victory. Is not reliable but has got a nice number. 7 Frygtløs won in the lead and was improved in the last run as a gelding. Is nice but this number is poor. Can open fast though and is possible anyway here. 5 Filippa B came back well after a double mistake in the last run and is on the way up. Can open fast and likes the short distance.
Only ranking.